Dal 5 giugno al 5 luglio 2015 il Centro Antropologia e Mondo Antico ospiterà 13 studenti americani della University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) e il prof. Joel Christensen, partecipanti alla quarta edizione del Summer Program "The Classical World: Anthropology, Art and Culture" organizzato dal Centro AMA nell'ambito di un accordo internazionale tra l'Università di Siena ed il Department of Philosophy and Classics di UTSA.
Programma delle lezioni che si tengono in lingua inglese
Week 1: Introduction to the Study of the Ancient World
M 06/08/15 Anthropology and the Classics
T 06/09/15 Reception of the Classical Tradition – in Arezzo
Guided Tour of Arezzo
W 06/10/15 Myth and Mythology
R 06/11/15 Reception of the Classical Tradition
Iconography and Classical Tradition
F 06/12/15 Office hours with instructors
Guided Tour of Siena: Complesso del Duomo & Palazzo Pubblico
Week 2: Kinship in the Classical World
M 06/15/15 Anthropology of Kinship in Greece
T 06/16/15 Anthropology of Kinship in Rome
W 06/17/15 Guided Tour of Pisa: Camposanto Monumentale & Piazza dei Miracoli
R 06/18/15 Research Workshop: Anthropology of Kinship & Visual Anthropology
Week 3: Roman Economy and Anthropology
M 06/22/15 Economic Anthropology of Ancient Rome
T 06/23/15 Economic Anthropology of Ancient Rome
W 06/24/15 Guided Tour of Rome 1/2: Fori imperiali & Colosseo
R 06/25/15 Guided Tour of Rome 2/2: Musei Capitolini
F 06/26/15 Office hours with instructors
Week 4: Animals in the Classical World
M 06/29/15 Zooanthropology of the Classical World
T 06/30/15 Zooanthropology of the Classical World
W 07/01/15 Guided Tour of Florence: Museo Archeologico & City Center
F 07/03/15 Research Workshop: Zooanthropology of the Classical World & Visual Anthropology
Office hours with instructors